@cal_tissue I’d say the easiest way to start contributing is by fixing a bug that’s annoying you! If you know the software enough to have found a bug, you probably know enough to fix it!
@cal_tissue Failing that, try to find software you’ve used before. Then look through the list of issues. Some projects will highlight good “first contribution” issues with a label - look out for those!
@cal_tissue Finally, if you’re worried about time, time-box it. Try spending half a day trying to fix an issue. If you do it, great! If not, you’ve still learnt a bit about the project. Try again another day!
@cal_tissue Don’t be scared to ask for help! Open source contributors (in my experience) love it when you join the contributors and will happily answer questions or help get you started!
@cal_tissue Finally (I mean finally this time), what’s the worst that could happen? Even if your PR doesn’t get accepted, you’ve still learnt a lot (which is half the point anyway, right!?). But generally, if it’s not accepted straight away, you’ll get some guidance for how to improve it! 🥳