JoeGlombek’s avatarJoeGlombek’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,422

      1. …in reply to @craig100
        @craig100 @callumbwhyte @dadolfi The key to using story points is to be constantly reassessing what length of time a story point represents. That way a faster or slower team doesn’t need to re estimate tasks as they realise the speed is different.
    1. …in reply to @JoeGlombek
      @craig100 @callumbwhyte @dadolfi We’re also lucky enough to have experience estimating in hours, which can be very difficult to do for newer devs. It’s a lot easier to say “this task is the simplest” (1sp) and “this task is twice as complex as the first” (2sp) and not worry about timings.
  1. …in reply to @JoeGlombek
    @craig100 @callumbwhyte @dadolfi Finally, story points allow for complexity, effort and unknowns. People estimating in time tend to estimate the effort doing the task and forget that unknowns, bugs and client coms cost time too.